While I'm in London I want to take photographs
of the underground as it's a brilliant chance to capture some movement
photography. The photograph below which I got from http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=underground+photography&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=dpdXU5qMPOeN0AWEsIDgCA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=902#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=jgR7xMJOf4JJDM%253A%3BRgN3GTkV6JbhmM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcolorlava.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F09%252FLondon-Underground-520x346.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcolorlava.com%252Finspiration%252Fremarkable-underground-photography%252F%3B520%3B346is
exactly the sort of photographs I want to be taking and it's really inspired me
by just researching through the internet:
Obviously the main
reason I love this photograph is down to the movement of the tube, however I
also fell in love with the lighting. The edititing skills has made the photograph
really sharp and the lighting stand out to brighten up the image as a whole.
I'm going to aim to get the lighting in my photographs really good so that it
reflects off of the tube just like in this one, however I want my photographs
to be a little darker as I am going to be representing the dull side of Family
Life and working. I want the lighting to stand out in my photographs but also
so that the viewer knows it's a dark and gloomy atmosphere. I also really like
the angle represented within this photograph and it has given me a couple of
ideas about which angles to shoot from. I am going to attempt to capture some
families within the shoots I do, however this might be tricky with including
the train at the same time. The composition has really inspired me within this
photograph as the picture was taken from a good and wide angle which includes
the roof, the tube and the people. I really like this as the people to the side
of the photograph have been captured still while the tube is moving. I want to
try and do this along with capturing the people getting on and off the train
playing around with shutter speed. This will be quite hard as you can't ask the
people to stay still, however it's worth a go. I also like that the photograph
starts with the big tube in the foreground and then decreases down into the
background with the whole from where it's come from. This draws the attention
of the viewer through the photograph, starting from the foreground and leading
into the background from where the train has come from. This photograph follows
the rule of thirds which captures the viewers’ attention.
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