Tuesday, 25 February 2014

After my shoots in London focussing on transport went well, I thought I would have a go at photographing this with film. When using film, the photos turn out a lot darker, grainier and duller if no editing is done to them. I feel this would portray the darker side of family life a bit better and so wanted to try out a film for this. Here are my negatives below:

They came out a lot darker and over-exposed compared to my previous two film shoots and so I'm quite disappointed with that. However, I will hopefully be able to sort this within the dark room by using a very low aperture and high exposure. Just by looking at the negatives however, it looks like I have been able to capture some movement within the photos and so I'm really happy with this.
Overall I think I am going to stop using film now as I have realised they are not turning out as well as I thought they would. I get very frustrated with the fact I can't see the photo straight away and feel like I'm not in control. I have really enjoyed the experience of the film camera and have captured some good photos, however I am going to leave it there for the time being within this project.

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